
What is advertised.listeners in Kafka?

Hi guys, Today we gonna talk about Kafka Broker Properties. More Specifically, advertised.listeners property. If you have seen the file in Kafka there are two properties with listener settings. #listeners=PLAINTEXT://:9092 #advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT:// why the hell we need two listeners for our broker? usually, Kafka brokers talk to each other and register themselves in zookeeper using listeners property. So for all internal cluster communication happens over what you set in listeners property. But if you have a complex network, for example, consider if your cluster is on the cloud which has an internal network and also external IP on which rest of the work can connect to your cluster, in that case, you have to set advertised.listeners property with {EXTERNAL_IP}://{EXTERNAL_PORT}. For Example, If Internal IP is and port is 9092 and External IP is 0 and port is 3101 then your propert will loo

Webhooks In Slack

Webhooks In Slack Incoming Webhooks in Slack: In Slack you can configure webhook url, and you can post message( JSON payload) to Slack from your app. You can also customise information which you will send to slack from your app. This customization can be text format, adding button for interaction etc. We just have to follow these 3 step process: Create a slack app. Enter App Name( eg: Brobot) Select Workspace . Press create app.         2. Enable Incoming Webhook. Select Incoming webhook on left side menu. Enable Activate Incoming Webhooks toggle bar You can now create  webhook for your bot, just click Add New Webhook to Workspace.                           Select Your workspace for Brobot. Click Authorize, boom! You got your Webhook url.Congrats!! 3. Make a first Post Request .( i will use postman for REST Client)  **   Use Webhook Url As Post Request Slack Chat: